Thursday, January 8, 2009

Too long..too late!

It has been a while since I have updated this. I always seem to forget about it.
It is 2009!! Hopefully this will be a great year. A year filled with changes and new beginnings.
This deployment is almost over FINALLY!!!! I am so glad. It has been emotionally trying for both of us. It will be great to have him home with me again. Out of 16 months of marriage we have only had a little over 4 months together.

There is so much going on now. Classes start on Monday, work is going in full swing and I am trying to get ready for homecoming. I was considering painting my kitchen and maybe my bedroom too. I have decided against it. I am not sure if we are even going to be staying here. As much as I would love to remain close to my family and friends I think that if another deployment comes up quickly then Mike will freak out...not to mention me.
We have decided to redo his dream sheat. That way we have a chance to get out of here.
I honestly think that we should travel while we can. It will be an adventure.

Work is busy. There is a lot going on. I am not happy with some of it and I need to make some serious decisions about it. It will happen when the time is right.

My weightloss is going good. I have lost a bit of weight and have joined The biggest loser for the board I am on. I am hoping to get into better shape.

That is it for now. I am going to try to get some sleep...dang migranes :-(

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